In Jesus' footsteps we learn, love and grow together to be the best that we can be!
The Welsh Government has transformed the expectations, experiences and outcomes for children and young people with additional learning needs by developing the Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Act.
The reform will:
The way that learners are recognised as having ALN is changing. This means that learners previously on the ALN register may not continue to be and their needs will be met within the classroom. Changes will be made after a meeting with parents and any professional involved with the learner. If you have any concerns please contact our ALN Coordinator (ALNCo), Mrs Fletcher.
Below is a video and some documents which explain the new ALN act and the changes from the previous system for children with ALN.
ALN Conflict Resolution Information
Support for Parents and Learners
Please contact the ALNCo, Mrs Fletcher, or the headteacher, Miss Russell, if you are concerned about the support your child is able to access in school.
The organisation SNAP Cymru are able to offer information, advice and support for parents, children and young people you have, or may have, ALN or disabilities. They offer a range of impartial, confidential and free services.
Funding for ALN Learners
In Cardiff the council have changed the way funding is given to schools for learners with ALN. Click on the document below for more information.
Dyslexia Awareness Award
Our school is always looking to improve our understanding of learners with literacy difficulties and how we can provide them with the best support. We have now been given the Bronze Award and will be working towards our Silver Award this year.