
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

In Jesus' footsteps we learn, love and grow together to be the best that we can be!

Forest School

At St. Mary's children's physical and mental health and well-being is of great importance and Forest School is an important part of our school curriculum.  At least once a half term, all classes attend Forest School lessons at St Catherine's Church grounds or Thompson Park. 


The benefits of Forest School:


  • Develop self-regulation skills;
  • Cope with and learn from failure;
  • Build resilience;
  • Gain a sense of achievement;
  • Increase motivation and concentration;
  • Improve problem solving;
  • Build positive relationships with adults and their peers;
  • Learn to appreciate and how to look after God's wonderful world.

Children do get muddy and lessons take place even if it is raining, and so it is important that children are appropriately dressed for the weather that day. We recommend children come to school in waterproofs and wellies on rainy days. We do have waterproofs in school for those who do not have any.
