
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

In Jesus' footsteps we learn, love and grow together to be the best that we can be!

School Clubs

Throughout the year we provide a variety of free and pre-paid clubs at our school during lunchtimes and after school, ranging from physical and sporting clubs to creative clubs with the focus being to support children's health and well-being.


The free clubs delivered by staff change termly and we ask parents/ children to sign up at the start of each term. Those clubs start at 3.30pm and finish at 4.15pm. Last year the clubs offered were:


- Dance Fitness

- Chess

- Gardening

- Board Games

- Art & Craft

- Minecraft (fee applies)

- Lego

- Table Tennis (fee applied)

- Singing

- Sewing


Karate Fitness (Mondays) and Sports Zone (Wednesdays) clubs are delivered by external providers and so they are pre-paid clubs. For more information please contact the school.

